I feel like knowing what you want is so important!! I keep telling myself that saying no to the things that aren't right will help keep space open for the things that are. Also can I please attend the next Stay-In-Bed Write-a-palooza? (Obvs I will be attending from home.)

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The next Stay-in-Bed-Write-a-palooza is happening this afternoon! You're invited!! (from home!)

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Your experience resonates. In searching for what I want, I recently entertained applying for a minimum-wage job at a bookstore. I love to read. I know a lot about many books and writers. So, why not? But I stopped short of applying because I know my happiness depends on having as little scheduled time as possible (i.e., no shift work). Also, as a self-employed, I must justify how I spend my "for money" time; minimum wage doesn't cut it.

A different me at another time would've applied. Maybe that person would've gotten the job, and perhaps that person would've liked it. But I'm not that person anymore.

We may not know what we want, but knowing what we don't is a start.

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Yes! I’ve often thought about how much I would love to work at a bookstore. And honestly, if I had more stability elsewhere in my life, I might consider it. But the hours I use to make my living right now are the right ratio of quantity and payment, and a bookshop couldn’t do that for me right now.

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